Prof. Alexandre Richa

Banking and finance

Corporate and M&A

Alexandre Richa

Prof. Prof. Alexandre Richa advises and represents clients mainly in banking, financial markets and corporate law matters, including mergers and acquisitions. He represents clients before courts, the FINMA and other authorities, notably in international litigation. He is also active in the fields of data protection, trade secrets and new technologies law.

He has been ranked for several years in Chambers Global (Banking & Finance, Switzerland), Chambers Europe (Banking & Finance, Regulatory, Switzerland) and Best Lawyers in Switzerland (Banking & Finance, Corporate Law, and Regulatory Practice) who ranked him the “Lawyer of the Year 2024” award in the Regulatory Practice category.

Prof. Alexandre Richa is also an associate Professor at the University of Lausanne, HEC Lausanne. He teaches financial market law, corporate law and M&A transactions. He is recognized by SIX Swiss Exchange AG for the listing of securities (shares, bonds, collective investment schemes). He is also an expert advisor for the Swiss National Science Foundation. Finally, he sits on the executive or advisory body of several non-profit organizations in the legal field, including the Geneva Law and Legislation Society (of which he was president), the European Association for Banking and Financial Law (AEDBF Switzerland and Europe), and the CEDIDAC Foundation.


Harvard Law School, Master of Laws (LL.M.), Concentration in international finance (2007)

University of Geneva, Law School, Dr. iur. Honors: summa cum laude, Professor Walther Hug Prize, François Bellot Prize (2006)

University of Geneva, Law School, Diploma of Advanced Studies Honors: summa cum laude, Arditi Prize (best paper), Etienne Gide Prize (best paper in private law) (2004)

Admitted to the Geneva Bar (2002)

University of Geneva, Law School, lic. iur. Honors: Geneva Law and Legislation Society Prize (best 1st year results) (1999)


Aegis (formerly ABR Attorneys at Law) : founding partner (since 2014)

University of Lausanne (HEC), Associate Professor of business law (since 2011)

Lenz & Staehelin, Geneva, associate/senior associate (2007-2014)

University of Geneva, Law School, Center for Banking and Financial Law, research and teaching assistant (2002-2006)

University of Geneva, Law School, Department of Civil and Commercial Law, research and teaching assistant (2001-2002)

Python Schifferli Peter & Associés, Geneva, junior associate (2000-2001)

Recent Rankings

Chambers Global Guide 2025 – Banking & Finance: Regulatory – Switzerland

“He is very deliberate in his approach and can be both accommodating and willing to compromise but also can be firm and stand his ground.”

“Alexandre Richa provides very good service and is very capable of understanding our needs. When we have questions, he really tells us the best way forward.”

“I am very pleased to be working with Alexandre Richa. He is very clear in his advice and very reliable.”


Chambers Global Guide 2024 – Banking & Finance – Switzerland

Alexandre Richa is a very reliable lawyer with a very strong practical and academic background. He is efficient and client-oriented.”

“Alexandre Richa is a great professional who understands banking, respects timelines and is approachable. He also offers appropriate fees considering his high-quality delivery.”

“He is a professor and one of the best for banking, particularly for contentious cases.”

Best Lawyers in Switzerland 2024

“Lawyer of the Year” (Regulatory Practice); also ranked in Banking & Finance and Corporate Law.


French, English, German

Publications by Alexandre Richa

Commentaire romand de la LSFin (co-éditeur)

Co-éditeur avec Philipp Fischer,
Bâle (Helbing Lichtenhahn) 2022

Commentaire des articles 10 à 12 LSFin

A. Richa / P. Fischer (édit.), Commentaire romand de la LSFin, Bâle (Helbing Lichtenhahn) 2022 (co-auteur avec Pascal Favrod-Coune)

Commentaire des articles 13 et 14 LSFin

A. Richa / P. Fischer (ed.), Commentaire romand de la LSFin, Basel (Helbing Lichtenhahn) 2022 (co-author with Pascal Favrod-Coune and Philipp Fischer)

Les instruments financiers: Aspects juridiques et fiscaux

Bâle (Helbing & Lichtenhahn) 2021 (co-auteur avec Joseph Merhai et Nicolas Béguin)

Droit et économie numérique

Co-editor with Damiano Canapa, Collection Lausannoise (CEDIDAC), Volume 73, Bern (Stämpfli) 2021

L’interdiction d’exercer prononcée par la FINMA

Bulletin CEDIDAC nr. 71, Lausanne (CEDIDAC) 2018

Gouvernance et dirigeants bancaires : pratique et jurisprudence récentes

Développements récents en droit commercial VI, Lausanne (CEDIDAC) 2018, p. 73-97

Protection des données et nouvelles procédures de communication aux autorités fiscales et de surveillance étrangères

RSDA 2/2017, p. 144-162

Commentaire de l'article
162 CP

A. Macaluso / L. Moreillon (édit.), Commentaire romand du Code pénal, Partie II, Bâle Genève Munich (Helbing & Lichtenhahn) 2017

Commentaire de l'article 6 LCD

V. Martenet / P. Pichonnaz (édit.), Commentaire romand de la Loi sur la concurrence déloyale, Bâle GenèveMunich (Helbing & Lichtenhahn) 2017

La description du contrat

Le mandat de gestion de fortune, A. Bizzozero/A. Falletti/S. Meregalli (édit.), 2ème éd., Genève / Zurich (Schulthess) 2017, p. 1-37

La qualification juridique du contrat

Le mandat de gestion de fortune, A. Bizzozero/A. Falletti/S. Meregalli (édit.), 2ème éd., Genève / Zurich (Schulthess) 2017, p. 38-57

La qualification du bonus pour les très hauts revenus : suite et fin ?

GesKR Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarkrecht 2015/4, p. 561 ss (co-author with David Raedler) Lire la publication

Regards de marathoniens sur le droit suisse, Geneva (Slatkine) 2015 Lire la publication

La contestation des décisions en droit de la SA

Travaux de la Journée CEDIDAC 2013 de droit de l’entreprise, Lausanne (CEDIDAC) 2014, p. 1-69

La contestation des décisions en droit de la SA

Travaux de la Journée CEDIDAC 2013 de droit de l’entreprise, Lausanne (CEDIDAC) 2014 (co-author with David Raedler)

Commentaire de l’article
162 CP

A. Macaluso & L. Moreillon (ed.), Commentaire romand du Code pénal, Partie II, Basel Geneva Munich (Helbing & Lichtenhahn) (to be published soon) (co-author with Alain Macaluso and Philipp Fischer)

Commentaire des articles 271 à 273 CP

A. Macaluso & L. Moreillon (ed.), Commentaire romand du Code pénal, Partie II, Basel Geneva Munich (Helbing & Lichtenhahn) (to be published soon) (co-author with Philipp Fischer)

Commentaire de l’article 6 LCD

V. Martenet & P. Pichonnaz (ed.), Commentaire romand de la Loi sur la concurrence déloyale, Basel Geneva Munich (Helbing & Lichtenhahn) (to be published soon) (co-author with Philipp Fischer)

Le caractère accessoire du bonus

GesKR Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht 2013/4 (pages 409-415) (co-author with David Raedler) Read the publication

GesKR Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht 2012/4 (pages 524-538) (co-author with David Raedler) Lire la publication

L. Thévenoz & F. Werro (ed.), Commentaire romand du Code des obligations, Partie I, 2nd edition, Basel Geneva Munich (Helbing & Lichtenhahn) 2012 (co-author with Christian Bovet)

US pretrial discovery on Swiss soil

Co-auteur avec Philipp Fischer,
Bâle (Helbing Lichtenhahn) 2010

International Law Office, Litigation Newsletter, 14 December 2010

Chronique de jurisprudence civile

Journée 2009 de droit bancaire et financier, L. Thévenoz & C. Bovet (ed.), Geneva Zurich Basel (Schulthess) 2010 (pages 171-196)
Getting the Deal Through, Law Business Research, 2009 (co-author with Patrick Hünerwadel, Shelby R. du Pasquier & Cristina Theus Sigismondi) (pages 131-135)

Pensions de titres (repos) et autres cessions temporaires

Geneva Bâle Zurich (Schulthess) 2008 (348 pages)

Select Papers from the Harvard Law School Seminar in International Finance, 2007

Droit des contrats France, Suisse, Belgique, H. Cousy / L. Thévenoz/B. Tilleman/A. Verbeke (édit.), Bruxelles (Larcier) 2006, p. 201-220

Journée 2005 de droit bancaire et financier, L. Thévenoz & C. Bovet (ed.), Geneva Zurich Basel (Schulthess) 2006 (co-author with Christian Bovet) (pages 135-186)

Journée 2004 de droit bancaire et financier, L. Thévenoz & C. Bovet (ed.), Geneva Zurich Basel (Schulthess) 2005 (co-author with Luc Thévenoz) (pages 121-163)

Note sur la notion de garantie dans la convention TIR

Legal opinion established for the benefit of the International Road Transport Union, remitted to and published by the Inland Transport Committee of the United Nations Commission for Europe, 28 December 2004 (co-author with Luc Thévenoz)